£10,000 Wool Prize: The last chance to apply for the Wool Innovation Prize 2019 .
Worth up to £10,000, the Prize is an annual award offered by The Woolmen and The Company of Merchants of the Staple of England, in association with The Campaign for Wool. It’s available to the individual who shows the most innovative use of wool in any commercially viable application.
The prize is open to anyone who:
- Works predominantly with wool
- Displays genuine innovation
- Offers a commercially viable application
- Has a clear plan for developing your ideas further
Applications close on June 30th 2019, so if you use wool in a way that the industry would love to hear about, apply online today!
The Worshipful Company of Woolmen, one of the oldest livery companies in the City, and The Company of the Merchants of the Staple of England, a national livery company based in York, believe that they should do more for the industry from whence they came, namely the Wool Industry. Both have very long pedigrees going back to 1180 for the Woolmen and 1283 for the Staple.
The Industry has suffered long term decline in the UK over many years. There are now some signs that the industry is beginning to show an upturn and both Companies wish to recognise this and make a contribution to supporting innovation in the use and application of wool.
The Prize
The prize will be awarded annually to any individual who shows the most innovative use of wool in any application that is considered commercially viable and subject to the project being of sufficient originality and quality. Open to individuals using wool in apparel, non-apparel, agricultural, horticultural, medical, and industrial applications.
The winner will need to be able to show that the innovation will be developed from the United Kingdom, although the nationality of the individual is irrelevant.
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